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ANONYMOUS CALL REJECTIONYou can refuse calls from those who have blocked their numbers. When you've turned this service "on", any callers who have blocked their number from your Caller ID display will hear an announcement that you do not accept anonymous calls -- and they should remove Blocking and call back. All other calls will ring through as usual. (Activation Code *77 -- Deactivation Code *87) TO "TURN ON" THE SERVICE: Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Press *77. Listen for a confirmation tone or announcement. Hang up. TO "TURN OFF" THE SERVICE: Press *87. Listen for a confirmation tone or announcement. Hang up.
AUTOMATIC CALLBACKYour phone can keep dialing a number while you go about your business, eliminating wasted time and aggravation. You can save time dialing busy numbers over and over. Your phone rings you as soon as the line is free, and automatically connects you. (Activation Code *66 -- Deactivation Code *86) HOW TO USE: When you dial a LOCAL number and hear a busy signal, hang up. Lift the handset and listen for a normal dial tone. Press *66. Wait for a confirmation message. Hang up. A special callback ring alerts you if the line becomes free (some phones ring normally). Lift the handset to automatically place the call. If the number does not become available within 30 minutes, the attempt will be abandoned and you will need to press *66 and try again. TO CANCEL YOUR CALLBACK REQUEST: Depress the switchhook and release. Listen for a special dial tone. If you've already hung up, lift the handset and listen for a normal dial tone. Press *86. Listen for the confirmation announcement. Hang up.
AUTOMATIC RECALLYour phone can remember the number of the incoming call and dial it back for you. If you couldn't get to the phone in time, you can still find out who called. You can return LOCAL calls by dialing 1 when prompted. (Activation Code *69 -- Deactivation Code *89) HOW TO USE: Lift the handset and listen for a normal dial tone. Press *69. You will hear the number and time of day of the last incoming call. You will be instructed to push 1 if you want to return the call. You can only return LOCAL calls, not long distance or cell phone calls. IF THE LINE IS BUSY: Hang up. Your phone will keep trying the line for up to 30 minutes. A special callback ring alerts you if the line becomes free. Lift the handset to automatically place the call. TO CANCEL YOUR AUTOMATIC RECALL REQUEST: Press *89 Listen for the confirmation announcement. Hang up.
CALL BARRINGThis service allows the subscriber to bar outgoing calls to certain types of numbers from their line. The types of calls that can be barred are: International calls National calls - includes long-distance, interLATA and intraLATA calls Operator calls Directory calls Premium rate calls Calls to any call service access codes Certain types of calls are never barred. These are: Toll-free calls Calls to service access codes Emergency calls To activate Call Barring for a certain type of call through the handset: Dial the appropriate access code (see list below) An announcement confirms that Call Barring has been activated. To deactivate Call Barring for a certain type of call through the handset: Dial the appropriate access code (see list below). An announcement prompts you to enter your PIN code. Enter your PIN code. An announcement confirms that Call Barring has been deactivated. Call Barring - bar all except emergency calls Activation Code: *341 -- Deactivation Code: *351 Call Barring - bar International calls Activation Code: *343 -- Deactivation Code: *353 Call Barring - bar National/International calls Activation Code: *342 -- Deactivation Code: *352 Call Barring - bar Premium Rate calls Activation Code: *346 -- Deactivation Code: *356 Call Barring - bar Calls to Access codes Activation Code: *345 -- Deactivation Code: *355 Call Barring - bar Operator calls Activation Code: *344 -- Deactivation Code: *354
CALL FORWARDINGWhen you are away from your home, your calls can be automatically sent to you. With CALL FORWARDING, there is no need to leave messages about where you are or reveal any forwarding numbers. (Includes Busy Call Forwarding, Delayed Call Forwarding, Remote Call Forwarding, Remote Access To Call Forwarding, Selective Call Forwarding, Unavailable Call Forwarding and Unconditional Call Forwarding.)
BUSY CALL FORWARDINGWhen you receive an incoming call and your home phone is busy, your incoming calls can still be forwarded to a different number. To activate Busy Call Forwarding: Dial the activation code *90. Wait for a special dial tone, and enter the number you want your calls forwarded to. Busy Call Forwarding is activated when someone answers the number you dialed. To deactivate Busy Call Forwarding: Enter the deactivation code *91.
DELAYED CALL FORWARDThis feature allows you to forward your calls from your home phone to a different number after a specified number of rings has occurred. To activate Delayed Call Forward: Dial the activation code *92. Wait for a special dial tone. Enter the number of rings desired, followed by the number you want your call forwarded to. The valid number of rings ranges from 2 through 9. If an invalid number is entered, the activation will fail. When the phone is answered at the forwarding number, Delay Call Forward is successfully activated. If the forwarding number is busy or does not answer, the activation steps can be repeated within two minutes. To deactivate Delayed Call Forward: Enter the deactivation code *93.
REMOTE ACCESS CALL FORWARDINGYou must have the Call Forwarding service to use this feature. To activate this feature: Dial 582-4700. Enter the phone number you are changing the Call Forwarding on (402-582____) and a Personal Identification Number (PIN____) when prompted. Enter the Call Forwarding access code you require and the number you want to forward to (example: *72 402-___-____) (You must use a 1 in front of the 10 digit number if it is a long distance call). You should hear a double confirmation tone if the change was successful. If you don't get the double confirmation code, repeat the process. To deactivate this feature: Dial 582-4700. Dial the 7-digit home number that the calls were being forwarded to and the PIN, and then dial (example: *73) to deactivate the Call Forwarding feature.
REMOTE CALL FORWARDINGThis service allows you to set up a specified Remote Call Forwarding Number (or a range of numbers) for which all incoming calls are redirected to a different target number.
UNAVAILABLE CALL FORWARDINGThis service forwards calls from the subscriber's line to an alternative number only if the dialed number is unavailable, for example if the telphone is unplugged or loses power. This includes calls that connot be connected to the dialed number if the subscriber's phone is unplugged or unavailable for some reason. There are no access codes for this service, the subscriber can manage it using CommPortal.
UNCONDITIONAL CALL FORWARDINGThis service forwards all of the subscriber's incoming calls to an alternative number. Lift the handset and listen for dial tone. Dial *72. Wait for a confirmation tone of two beeps and then a dial tone. (See Option 1 & 2 below for further instructions). Option 1: You have a permanent number set up to forward calls to (set up at the telephone office). If you have a permanent forwarding number set up, dial *72, listen for the confirmation tone, and your Unconditional Call Forwarding service is now activated and you can hang up. Option 2: You do not have a permanent number set up to forward calls to. Every time you re-activate Unconditional Call Forwarding, after the tone you need to dial the phone number that you want your calls to be forwarded to (remember to put a 1 in front of the number for long distance calls). You will again hear a double confirmation tone. If you hear the tone, the service is activated to forward calls to the new phone number. (It is always a good idea to call your phone number from another number to confirm that the calls are actually being forwarded to the number that you want.) If you hear a busy tone instead of a double confirmation tone, there was an error and Unconditional Call Forwarding is not active. Try again, making sure the number you entered is correct. Once you’ve activated Unconditional Call Forwarding, your phone will make one short ring each time a call is forwarded. You can still make outgoing calls from this phone. If you wish to change the number to which your calls are being forwarded, just deactivate the feature (see below), then follow the steps above to forward your calls to a new number. To deactivate Unconditional Call Forwarding: Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Dial *73. Listen for two beeps, then hang up; the feature is no longer in effect, and calls will ring on your phone. NOTE: You will be charged toll charges on calls forwarded to long distance numbers.
CALL WAITINGNow while talking on the phone you won’t miss another call. With CALL WAITING, a special tone alerts you to an incoming call when you are on the phone; the caller hears only a normal ring. You can then place your current call on temporary hold and answer the new call. Plus, with CANCEL CALL WAITING assigned to your line, you can eliminate CALL WAITING for the duration of the call. Here’s how you are alerted by CALL WAITING: When you’re on the phone, a "beep" tells you a second call is waiting; only you hear this beep. If you don’t answer the second call within 10 seconds, another "beep" reminds you it’s there. The second caller hears only the normal ringing tone. To answer the second call: Depress the switch hook for about one second to place your first call on hold. You are automatically connected with the second caller. To alternate between calls: Depress the switch hook for about one second to alternate between calls. Each of your conversations is private and cannot be heard by the other caller. To end either call: Simply hang up. Your telephone will ring. When you answer it, you’ll be connected with the other caller; the call you discontinued will no longer be on the line.
CANCEL CALL WAITINGNow when you have a call that you don’t want interrupted, you can prevent a second call from breaking into your line. To Cancel Call Waiting: Dial an access code prior to placing your call. If you have THREE-WAY CALLING, you can Cancel Call Waiting during a call. In either case, the cancel request stays in effect for the duration of the call and any incoming calls receive a busy signal. To Cancel Call Waiting before calling: Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Dial the deactivation code *70, and listen for a special dial tone. Now, dial the number you wish to call; when you disconnect your call, Call Waiting is automatically reactivated. To Cancel Call Waiting during a call: (You must have Three-Way Calling to Cancel Call Waiting during a call.) Place your current call on hold by depressing the switch hook for one second. Listen for the dial tone, then dial *70 (on a rotary dial phone, dial 7-0 and wait four seconds). Listen for a special "beep-beep" tone, then depress the switch hook for one second and return to your call. When you disconnect your call, CALL WAITING is automatically reactivated.
CALL WAITING WITH CALLER IDAllows the identity of a calling party on a waiting call, to be displayed on the called party's Caller ID display, unless the identity of the calling party is private or is unavailable for display. Note that the phone or Caller ID Unit must have this capability. Activation code *65. Deactivation code *85.
CALLING NAME & NUMBER DELIVERYThis service displays the name of the incoming caller on the subscriber's telephone, if the subscriber's phone has a Caller Display screen or Caller Display Unit. Activation code *65. Deactivation code *85.
CALLING NUMBER DELIVERY BLOCKING (SUPPRESSION)HOW TO USE: (Per Call Basis) Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Press *67 Dial the number you're calling as usual. The person you've called will not be able to see your number displayed on their telephone display screen. Instead, a "P" or "Private" will be displayed. The feature is deactivated when you hang up. You must reactivate this feature on each individual call you place. (MONTHLY SERVICE) HOW TO USE: (MONTHLY SERVICE) This feature is always active on your line unless you deactivate it by dialing *82 before placing each individual call. After you hang up, the feature is automatically reactivated.
CUSTOMER ORIGINATED TRACENOTICE TO PLAINVIEW TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS: Plainview Telephone Company has installed equipment so that customers who receive threatening or harassing calls can trace that call. Report the time of the call to the telephone office and all information will be forwarded to the authorities. HOW TO USE: When you get a nuisance call, press and quickly release the switch hook. Listen for a special dial tone. If you've already hung up, just lift the handset again and listen for a normal dial tone. Press *57. Listen for a confirmation announcement that the last call has been traced. The announcement will say: "This is your call tracing service. To trace the last call received, dial "1", otherwise please hang up." Hang up. The number you traced will be recorded at the phone company. If you decide to follow up on the matter, we'll provide that number to the local authorities.
DISTINCTIVE RINGWith DISTINCTIVE RING you can have a second number for a fax line or teen line. Both numbers will share the same line. The secondary line will have two short rings. You can set your fax machine to automatically answer the distinctive ring. You will be able to determine which number is being called and answer accordingly. When one number is in use, the other number will ring as busy to callers. Only your main telephone number is forwarded when CALL FORWARD is activated. The secondary number will continue to ring at home.
EASY DIALLocal calls can be made using only the last four digits of the telephone number instead of dialing ten digits.
FIND ME FOLLOW METhis feature attempts to locate a subscriber using a pre-configured list of contact numbers that are rung either sequentially or simultaneously. This service provides a way for subscribers to configure additional numbers that will be rung instead of or as well as the subscriber's own number, any of which can answer the call. A pre-defined order is used to determine which number(s) to ring next. Once one number has answered the call, ringing on the other configured numbers is stopped.
PRIORITY CALLThis service allows users to select a list of numbers from which incoming calls will ring with a distinctive tone. HOW TO USE: Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Press *61. Listen for the announcement telling you whether the feature is currently on or off. The recorded voice will then tell you how many (if any) numbers are currently stored in your list. Follow the voice instructions and dial 3 to turn the feature ON (if it is currently off), or turn the feature OFF (if it is currently on). TO HEAR THE PHONE NUMBERS ON YOUR LIST: Dial 1. After the list is read, voice instructions will follow. TO ADD A NUMBER TO YOUR LIST: Press #. Follow the voice instructions you'll hear. You can store up to 10 phone numbers on your VIP list. TO REMOVE A NUMBER FROM YOUR LIST: Press *. Follow the voice instructions to remove any or all of those numbers. TO HEAR INSTRUCTIONS AGAIN: Dial 0 at any time to hear the main menu. To deactivate, dial *81.
REMINDER CALLThis service allows you to set up a call to remind you of a meeting or appointment, or to take medications, etc., at a set time of day. Your phone will ring and you will hear "This is your reminder call". If the call is not answered, the switch will retry after a set period. Possible reasons for the reminder not being answered include the subscriber not picking up the call or the line being busy. Reminder calls can be individual or regular reminders. Individual reminders are made once at a set time, within 24 hours of the scheduled event. Regular reminders are made at a set time on a number of days, depending on the particular options selected.
SELECTIVE CALL ACCEPTANCEAlso called Do Not Disturb -- Any calling numbers not on a list you define are routed to announcements and rejected. You can program your phone to accept only those calls from a special list of people. When your service is "turned on," your phone will accept only calls from those in your Selective Call Acceptance list. All others will hear an announcement that you're not accepting calls at this time. Your Selective Call Acceptance list can include up to 32 numbers. TO "TURN ON" THE SERVICE: Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Press *64. Listen for an announcement telling you whether the feature is currently on or off. Use the following prompts to navigate through the menu. 0 to hear the main instruction menu. 3 to turn the call service on or off. # to add a number to the list, then 01 to add the last calling number to the list. 1 to review the list of numbers, then 07 to delete an individual number from the list. * to delete an individual number from the list. 08 to delete all the numbers on the list. 09 to delete only the anonymous entries on the list. Users may dial during announcements for faster service.
SELECTIVE CALL FORWARDINGHOW TO USE: Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Press *63. Dial 0 to hear the main instruction menu. To turn this service "On" OR "Off", press 3 and listen for the specific instructions for what you want to do. Note: For Power Users (and if your numbers always remain the same) a faster alternative is: After you dial the access code of *63 and the instructions start, you can just dial "31" to turn the service "On" or "313" to turn the service off. These codes can also be programmed into speed dial positions on your home phone to automatically dial the access code along with the "On" code or the "Off" code. (You need a separate code for each function). A "pause" should be entered between the access code of "*63" and the "On" code or "Off" code. (e.g. *63P31 for the "On" code and *63P313 for the "Off code). (If you don't remember if it's on or off and press the wrong code, the instructions will tell you of the failure and you can still proceed by following the instructions). TO ADD THE LAST CALLER TO YOUR FORWARD LIST: Press # to add a number to the list, then 01 to add the last calling number to the list. TO ENTER YOUR "FORWARD-TO" NUMBER: The first time you turn on the service, you'll be asked to enter the number you'd like your special calls forwarded to. From then on, the system will simply remind you of the current "forward-to" number. If the current number is correct, dial 1. If you wish to change the current "forward-to" number, dial 0 and then follow the voice instructions. TO HEAR THE PHONE NUMBERS ON YOUR LIST: Dial 1. After the list is read, voice instructions will follow. TO ADD A NUMBER TO YOUR LIST: Press #. Follow the voice instructions you'll hear. You can store up to 10 phone numbers on your forward list. TO REMOVE A NUMBER FROM YOUR LIST: Press *. Follow the voice instructions to remove any or all of those numbers from your forward list. TO HEAR INSTRUCTIONS AGAIN Dial 0.
SELECTIVE CALL REJECTIONHOW TO USE: Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Press *60. Listen for an announcement telling you whether the feature is currently on or off. The recorded voice will then tell you how many (if any) numbers are currently stored in your rejection list. Follow the voice instructions and dial 3 to turn the feature ON (if it is currently off), or turn the feature OFF (if it is currently on). TO ADD THE LAST CALLER TO YOUR REJECTION LIST: Press #01. TO HEAR THE PHONE NUMBERS ON YOUR LIST: Dial 1. After the list is read, voice instructions will follow. TO ADD A NUMBER TO YOUR LIST: Press #2. Follow the voice instructions you'll hear. You can store up to 10 phone numbers in your rejection list. TO REMOVE A NUMBER FROM YOUR LIST: Press *2. Follow the voice instructions to remove any or all of those numbers from your rejection list. Pressing 08 will remove all the numbers on the list. TO HEAR INSTRUCTIONS AGAIN: Dial 0.
SIMULTANEOUS RINGINGThis service provides a way for subscribers to configure additional numbers (up to a maximum of 32) which will ring as well as the subscriber's own number, any of which can answer the call. To Activate: Press *361. To Deactivate: Press * 362.
SPEED CALLING 8This service, also known as speed dialing, allows one-digit or two-digit codes to be used as shortcuts for selected phone numbers. To program or change your SPEED CALLING 8 list: Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Dial *74 (on rotary dial phones, dial 7-4 and wait four seconds). Listen for the dial tone. Dial one of the eight one-digit speed codes (2 through 9). Then, dial the number you wish to speed call (for long distance entries, remember to include 1 and the area code; you can enter up to 24 digits per position). Press the # button (on rotary dial phones, omit this step and wait four seconds). Listen for the two "beeps" which indicate that your number has been entered; then hang up. You can now continue entering the other numbers on your list by repeating the above procedure, or you can enter them later. To use your SPEED CALLING 8 feature: Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Dial the appropriate one-digit speed code (2 through 9). Press the # button (on a rotary dial phone, omit this step and wait four seconds). Your call will now be dialed automatically.
SPEED CALLING 30To program or change your SPEED CALLING 30 list: Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Dial *75 (on rotary dial phones, dial 7-5 and wait four seconds). Listen for the dial tone. Dial one of the 30 two-digit speed codes (20 through 49). Then, dial the number you wish to speed call (for long distance entries, remember to include 1 and the area code; you can enter up to 24 digits per position). Press the # button (on rotary dial phones, omit this step and wait four seconds). Listen for the two "beeps" which indicate that your number has been entered; then hang up. You can now continue entering the other numbers on your list by repeating the above procedure, or you can enter them later. To use your SPEED CALLING 30 feature: Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. Dial the appropriate two-digit speed code (20 through 49). Press the # button (on a rotary dial phone, omit this step and wait four seconds). Your call will now be dialed automatically.
THREE-WAY CALLINGNow you can make your plans in one call, rather than three or four. With Three-Way Calling, you can get everybody on the phone at the same time. It’s also great for the holidays or on birthdays, when you wish to exchange greetings with friends and relatives at two other locations. And if you have a home business, you can now set up a conference call with your business associates. To add a third person to your call: First, depress the switch hook for about one second (or press the flash button if your phone has one); this will place the person you’re talking with on hold. Listen for the dial tone; then dial the third person you want to join the conversation (you can use SPEED CALLING codes if you have this feature). When the third person answers, you can talk privately with this person before making the call a three-way conversation. To make the call a three-way conversation, depress the switchhook for about one second (or press the flash button ( * ) if your phone has one) to add the person you have on hold; your three-way call is now underway. NOTE: If for some reason the call to the third person is not completed, or if someone else answers the phone and the person you desire to speak with is out, depress the switch hook (or press the flash button ( * ) if your phone has one) twice to resume your conversation with the person on hold. To disconnect the third person: Depress the switchhook for about one second (or press the flash button ( * ) if your phone has one); you’ll now have only the original party on the line. If either of the two people hangs up, you can continue talking with the remaining party. To disconnect completely: Simply hang up. The switch hook is that round, flat, or square button the handset pushed down when you hang up the phone. Your phone is "off the hook" when that button is up. Timing is critical when using the "switch hook" because if you hold it down too long, it will hang you up, if you don't press it long enough, nothing will happen. Timing is to depress it between .75 secs & 1.5 secs. The flash button ( * ) is a pre-programmed button that does the same thing as pressing the switch hook for one second. It is easier to use since the timing is very important when doing a switch hook and the flash button ( * ) takes the guesswork out of how long to depress it.
USER TRANSFER / THREE-WAY CALLINGUser Transfer allows you to transfer an incoming call to anybody else at another phone number without the need for a 2nd line or any special phones. After receiving a call that you would like to transfer to someone else at another number (either local or long distance), simply: Depress the flash button ( * ), (you will receive a special dial tone). And then dial the phone number you want to transfer the call to. After the 2nd person answers you can talk to them if you want and then press the flash button ( * ) again and all 3 of you are tied together. You can then hang up if you want and the other two parties can continue to talk. (Note: if the 2nd call was a long distance call, you are paying the long distance charges).
If you need further assistance any troubles, please call our 24-Hour Maintenance Line at 402-582-4500.
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